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ADHD impacts the entire family

Family Coaching

Children will behave well if they could. The challenging behavior you see in your child is because they have lagging executive skills. It can be very frustrating when your child misbehaves in the classroom and no discipline seems to work. The meltdowns at home are exhausting. You are at a loss for how to help your child and fear the nightmarish behavior will never end.


I understand because that’s how I felt too. Typical school discipline doesn't build skills.​


ADHD is not the same on everyone. As a family, we learned to spot the triggers and plan for them. I learned there was always a “why” behind the behavior and worked to plan for those triggers.

LET ME HELP YOU!  As your coach I can help you unpack ADHD so that you can best help your child at home and at school. 


  • Learn about ADHD and how it impacts your child or other family members.

  • Learn how to parent like a coach and help your child find their voice so they can learn to self advocate.

  • Learn how to get to the why behind the behavior & problem solve with your child. (It works better when they are part of the solution.)

  • Learn how to advocate with the school to ensure your child gets the services they need. (Failing shouldn’t be the signal that services are needed.)

  • Learn how to create calm in your house by creating systems that work for everyone's brain.


LET ME HELP YOUR CHILD!  Children need to understand their ADHD so they can manage it. (much like they would need to learn to manage a food allergy or diabetes)


I can help your child build their executive functions skills, particularly time awareness, organization and planning since these most impact homework time and the morning rush to school. I will help your child learn student skills, such as note taking, studying for tests and planning projects. Social skills building is also important for children with ADHD.




ADHD shouldn’t be so hard!

Let’s work together to stop the cycle and help your child find their superstar qualities!

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